2019 is proving to be "a whole new world" indeed! This past Sunday night, during a commercial break for the 61st Annual Grammy Awards, Disney dropped a surprise TV spot of their upcoming live-action remake of Aladdin . It gave us our first look at Will Smith as the Genie, a role made legendary by the late Robin Williams in the 1992 animated feature. While it's unfair (and definitely too early) to say whether the film -- or Smith's complete performance -- will be a massive failure, it is fair to say that the visual effects rendering of Smith as the larger-than-life blue Genie is anything but impressive. In fact, it's a downright frightening creation. It's crude and looks like a movie meme brought to life. After watching this new TV spot several times, I began to draw movie connections and then reimagined Aladdin 's Cave of Wonders as Pennywise the Clown's lair in the 2017 remake of It . In short, Will Smith's Genie gave me more goosebumps
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